
Are You or a Loved One Experiencing Menopause?

These Symptoms Can Be Felt Before the Onset of Menopause

Brain Fog • Dry Skin • Hair Loss • Low Sexual Desire • Anxiety • Depression
Vaginal Dryness • Increased Body Fat • Headaches Fatigue and Lower Energy Level

Some of these symptoms can be due to causes other than hormonal imbalance
or menopause and should be evaluated by a physician. If you plan on becoming
pregnant talk to your doctor.

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is the end of the female reproductive cycle and is commonly diagnosed when a woman has not had her period for 12 months. The average age for the onset of Menopause is 51 but can also happen as early as your late 30's. The precise method of determining if a woman is in Menopause is to measure the amount of follicle stimulating hormone levels in the blood.

Leading up to Menopause, the ovaries produce fewer hormones, which cause a variety of changes in a woman's body. Surgical removal of the ovaries and other medical conditions and treatments can also induce Menopause.

The fluctuations in the hormones estrogen, testosterone and rogesterone can cause your periods to become irregular and sometimes heavy. Other symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog and headaches can soon follow.

The Importance of Estrogen

Women commonly have a low risk for cardiovascular disease until Menopause, around age 50. when their estrogen levels plummet and the ratio of estradiol to estrone goes haywire. Menopause and estrogen imbalance are also associated with osteoporosis, breast cancer and other serious health issues.

Research indicates that, besides heart and artery protection, estrogen protects against cognitive decline during aging and perhaps even against Alzheimer's disease. The most common reason as to why women are at higher risk for developing Alzheimer's is their reduced estrogen production after Menopause. 

Why Hormone Therapy?

Our method delivers the right kind of hormones, in individualized amounts that are adjusted by our doctors as your body's needs change, using a delivery method that releases a natural amount of hormones as your body needs it.

Using a low dose, bio-identical pellet, restores hormone levels to normal ranges, while safely and effectively resolving the symptoms associated with hormone imbalance. No one size fits all or guesswork. We tailor your hormone replacement according to your specific needs. This remarkably simple, hassle-free therapy can return you to the balance and vitality of healthy hormone levels. It can give you back your life - naturally.*

Frequently Asked Questions

*Typical Results May Vary