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All Natural Hormone Replacement

Our Renew Medical clients, both men and women, prefer natural ways to improve their health and normal hormone balance. When their testosterone and estrogen hormone levels drop and it comes time to replace them,

Natural hormones which has the same molecular structure as hormones made by the human body. It is entirely plant-based and provides the same benefits as natural estrogen and testosterone.

What Happens When Hormone Levels Drop

When we age, our body produces less and less of the optimal hormone levels we had in our youth. This affects our well being, just at the time we are beginning to enjoy a new phase of life. We hear from both men and women who experience hot flashes, memory loss, sexual problems, depression and fatigue. Our patients want these effects to be eliminated. They are excited about the vibrancy and energy that natural hormones deliver.*

We love to hear the responses from our clients. They tell us they feel twenty years younger—in addition to better moods, stronger bones, increased libido, and mental clarity. Our patients love the fact that the therapy lasts much longer than synthetic pharmaceuticals. Most importantly research indicates, natural hormone replacement therapy may prevents future health problems such as osteoporosis, heart, and cardiovascular disease.

Welcome all men and women who want their vitality back! We invite you to schedule an appointment today!

*Typical Results May Vary


Why Hormone Pellets Are the Best Choice for Hormone Replacement Therapy

Pellet hormone replacement therapy has been available and researched for more than 70 years. Since the early 1940s, reports have appeared in a wide range of respected international journals supporting the many benefits of this method. In fact, bioidentical pellet HRT, when properly administered, is scientifically recognized as the safest and most effective hormone replacement method available.

But not all bioidentical pellets or pellet implant methods are the same. We often see patients who have switched to SottoPelle® from other providers because they heard about our special procedure and the effectiveness of SottoPelle® therapy. Time and again they tell us how much better they feel on our pellets as opposed to their previous experience with the pellet implant method.

The Difference Between Other Pellets and Those Used by SottoPelle® There are at least a couple of good reasons why other pellets don’t work as well. First, many manufacturers use synthetic fillers and binders in their process. These can interfere with the absorption rate and effectiveness of the HRT. Another problem can lie in the manufacturing method used to fuse the hormones into pellet form. This process has a direct relationship to how long the pellet will last and how much hormone gets released. Pellets can either dissolve too quickly or not dissolve properly, prohibiting the consistent, slow release of low doses of hormone needed for hormonal balance.

SottoPelle® is proud to say that the pellets we use are 99.9% pure hormone (bioidentical estradiol or testosterone) plus a human fatty acid (0.1%) to bind them together.

Our Pellet Manufacturer is FDA Regulated and Unsurpassed in Quality We use one of the finest manufacturing facilities in the industry to make pellets for us. As an FDA-regulated 503B manufacturing site,* it is held to the very highest standards currently set by the FDA. The facility features a state-of-the-art manufacturing environment with advanced equipment, training procedures and testing, in addition to an expert team of well-trained, licensed pharmacists and certified pharmacy technicians.

To manufacture hormone pellets, they start with the highest quality, FDA-regulated ingredients available. Using current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) the bioidentical hormones are fused into tiny cylinders. Samples are then sent to independent laboratories for testing. This ensures that the pellets have the proper density, potency, purity, sterility, solubility, rate of disintegration, and temperature tolerance. In fact, the pellets they manufacture consistently meet or exceed industry and regulatory standards for quality and safety.

Their very meticulous manufacturing process combined with our own precision BHRT method are what make SottoPelle® Therapy the reliably effective hormone replacement method it is.

*What is a 503B Manufacturing Site (Outsourcing Facility)? In November of 2013, President Obama signed into law the Drug Quality and Security Act which sets forth new, more rigorous standards for the pharmacy industry. The bill contained a section known as the Compounding Quality Act. Under the 503B section of this new law, outsourcing facilities must comply with current good manufacturing practices (CGMP), register with the FDA, and comply with reporting and inspection requirements.

Be sure to ask your doctor if their pellets are made in a FDA certified 503B facility. If not, you have to question their quality, effectiveness and safety.


SottoPelle – Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet?

Bio-identical hormones are the same as those produced by the human body. They are not synthetic or replicas. Pellets are derived from wild yam and other natural plant-based ingredients. They are hand formulated in compounding pharmacies and posses the exact hormonal structure of the human hormones estradiol (estrogen) and testosterone. Pellets, once implanted, work automatically. The hormones are secreted in tiny amounts into the blood stream daily. When more hormones are needed due to stress or exercise the body will respond and deliver more. No other form of hormone delivery, whether capsules, pills, creams, or patches can produce the consistent blood level of estrogen or testosterone that pellets can.

Why SottoPelle?

Dr. Gino Tutera, is recognized worldwide as a pioneer and leader in the field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Made by a highly-respected pharmacy, the precision process used results in superior quality pellets every time; pellets that can perform reliably week after week, month after month. This ensures that each patient receives the full benefit of a steady, accurate dose.*

What is the Difference Between Pellets, Creams, Patches or Testosterone Shots?

Pellets work with the brain to regulate hormones. Pellet therapy is the only method of hormone therapy that gives sustained and consistent testosterone or estradiol levels throughout the day, for 3-4 months for females and 6-7 months for males, without any “roller coaster” effect.* Other forms of therapy simply cannot deliver such steady state of hormone levels. A patient does not have to remember to put a cream on daily or take a pill each day to sustain that constant level. Also the pellet is placed in the subcutaneous fat, it is not metabolized by the inside GI tract, liver or kidneys and any extra breakdown by the organs. Pellets are released through the capillaries, to match up with your hormone levels in your brain and are released as needed.

Any Disadvantages to the Pellet?

Hormones have to balance in your body. When the pellets are matching up with your own DNA there is a transition period that can take anywhere from a few days to 4 weeks. Everyone is different. Some patients get through the transition period faster than others. This usually takes the most time on the first pellet. If the next one is inserted in a timely manner, and your levels don’t drop, the transition will not be as significant the next time a pellet is inserted.

Any Side Effects of the Pellet?

As with any bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, some mild side effects can occur. Possible side effects include unwanted hair growth, acne, breast tenderness and mild water retention. In these cases, we will prescribe an antidote. There are no known serious side effects.

What Are The Advantages of Testosterone and Estradiol Therapy?

The advantage of the testosterone includes dilation of the coronary arteries Which, with time, encourages decrease in the blood pressure, decrease in total cholesterol and LDL, decrease in fasting blood glucose, increase in bone density, exercise response to muscles, increased energy, less brain fog and decrease in joint aches. The advantages of estradiol include added hydration to the skin and hair, decreased vaginal dryness and sustained bone density.

How is a Pellet Inserted?

A pellet insertion is a short procedure that occurs here in our office. The pellets are inserted under the skin in the subcutaneous area of your buttock. It is like getting a shot. The area is cleansed with betadine and alcohol to keep the area sterile. The area is numbed using a local anesthetic, which is buffered with bicarbonate injectable to reduce the sting of the shot. A small ½ to 1mm incision is made and the pellet is slid under the skin into the subcutaneous tissue. We then close the area with a steri-strip, which is similar to a butterfly band aid. A small pressure dressing and ice is applied.

What is the Pellet Insertion Post-Care?

Following the insertion, you can return to your daily routine. We suggest that patients ice the area for the next 12 hours to reduce swelling. If needed, you can take Tylenol for any discomfort, but ask that you not take aspirin or ibuprofen for 24 hours after to prevent bleeding. The pellet must encapsulate in the subcutaneous area. In order for this to happen and to prevent the pellet from being expelled, certain activities are permitted for days following the insertion (women 3 days, men 7 days). Avoid submerging the area in a bath tub, hot tub, swimming pool, lake, etc. Showering is fine, just be careful not to submerge the area. Avoid excessive lower body exercises such as cycling, horseback riding, lunges and squats.

How Often Do I Need to Re-Insert Pellets?

At this time in technology, pellets are re-inserted at the suggested time before the hormone levels drop off.

Parkinson's Patients - Can This Help?

It has been found through some patient’s testimonials that their symptoms are reduced, and with time they have an increased level of stamina, balance, increased mobility, increased energy, more exercise tolerance and dexterity. Exercise helps build levodopa in the brain and the patient will have improved mental acuity, focus, and concentration. Both estradiol and testosterone accelerate dopamine activity in the brain that is lacking in Parkinson’s patients. It also helps neurotransmitters and neuronal cell growth.*


Women and Hormone Treatment – Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I Need Progersterone?

We recommend a progesterone pill for many of our female patients. Women who are menopausal, but still have a uterus are particularly recommended to receive progesterone to help protect against the development of uterine cancer. In addition, progesterone has a calming effect and helps promote a good night’s sleep.

Does Estrogen Increase My Risk for Breast Cancer?

At this time, we have no evidence that estrogen increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. If estrogen does stimulate breast cell growth, it appears that testosterone counteracts that process and may be protective against breast cancer development. We do know that estrogen users who do develop breast cancer appear to have lower mortality from the disease. This may be due to earlier detection, but the research at this time is not clear. We know that the combination of oral equine estrogen and synthetic progesterone (PremPro) does increase the risk of breast cancer. Our recommendation is to stick with non-oral bio-identical estrogen and testosterone and, if recommended, progesterone.

Should I Avoid Hormone Therapy If I Have A Family History of Heart Disease?

It is unfortunate that hormone replacement therapy is regarded as bad for the heart, because this is only true in some circumstances. Generally speaking, estrogen is protective against heart disease if started at the onset of menopause. A recent study by the Mayo Clinic studied woman who had ovaries removed in their 40’s and did not receive hormone replacement. These women had a much higher incidence of heart disease, death from heart disease and neurological disease, over the following 30 years than the general population. Surprisingly, it was also found that these women had a lower chance of dying as a result of breast or uterine cancer if they developed these diseases than the control group. Your individual risk should be discussed with your health care provider.

Can I Get Pregnant When I Have a Pellet?

We do not suggest getting pellets if you are attempting to get pregnant. At this time, it is not proven whether pellets are safe in pregnancy. We ask that pellet patients who are in their childbearing years, have a birth control plan.

Will The Hormone Pellets Protect Me Against Bone Loss?

Will the hormone pellets protect me from bone loss? Yes. Estrogen therapy, especially when combined with testosterone, has been shown to maintain the mineral content and strength of bones after menopause. The consistent level of estrogen achieved by pellet therapy is especially effective in preventing bone loss.

Who Should Not Receive Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Generally speaking, women who have a personal history of breast cancer are not candidates for hormone replacement therapy. There is no evidence in literature that estrogen increases the risk of recurrence of breast cancer, but Oncologists are reluctant to approve estrogen therapy in a woman who has had breast cancer, particularly if the tumor was estrogen receptor positive. Many Oncologists, however, are comfortable with testosterone. Women who have a strong family history of blood clots should be genetically tested to see if they carry a gene that would cause their blood to clot easily. If this gene is present, then estrogen is contraindicated. If you have personally had a blood clot, you are not a candidate for estrogen therapy.

Does My Insurance Cover The Pellets?

The office visit/consult and lab work can be filed with your insurance. The pellet insertion is not covered by insurance. We do ask for payment up front prior to your pellet insertion. If you wish to request pellet insertion reimbursement from your insurance company, we can provide you with billing codes. Please note, we cannot contact your insurance company regarding pellet insertion reimbursement or coverage

Click to Learn More:
Why Hormone Therapy Is The Preferred Choice
Frequently Asked Questions

(760) 721-4000